By trafficguard on Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Category: Traffic Barrier Technology

The Need for Traffic Control Barriers

One of the main methods of asset protection is the traffic control barrier, also called a traffic post or bollard. Most people don't pay any attention to them or acknowledge their presence, but traffic control equipment keeps us safe every day from potential vehicle crashes. Various barrier models are strategically implemented around commercial, industrial, residential, and governmental facilities to prevent injury to pedestrians and damage to property. Without road safety barriers, people and property would be at serious risk.

Why Traffic Control Barriers Are Needed

Pedestrians are often vulnerable to vehicle impact, particularly in areas with a mix of high pedestrian and vehicle traffic such as storefronts and parking lots. Without the proper safety measures implemented, customers, employees and others are constantly at risk of injury from moving vehicles, particularly in instances when a driver loses control of the vehicle. The resulting injuries could cause serious disability or even death, and victims or their families could file lawsuits that put the business at risk of foreclosure, or at the very least end with monumental expenses. Apart from protecting pedestrians, traffic control barriers are useful for keeping property protected from potential vehicle damage. For instance, ram-raiding crimes can pose a serious risk for businesses with valuable items located inside. Ram-raiding crimes involve criminals who drive a vehicle (often stolen) into a vulnerable access point such as glass doors, grabbing what they can once inside before leaving. While pedestrians aren't often at risk in these incidents, as the criminals typically target businesses when closed to avoid being seen, they can result in severe damage and huge expenses because of lost inventory. Many types of properties utilize traffic barriers to keep buildings and valuable equipment safe from impact. Some of the industrial, commercial, and residential properties that commonly use traffic control barriers include:There are many other types of locations that can benefit from the installation of traffic control barriers. With these safety devices implemented, more pedestrians and property will experience consistent protection in the event of a car accident.

The Different Ways Traffic Posts Protect People and Property

The most obvious way traffic posts keep pedestrians and property unaffected from vehicle crashes is through physical protection. Traffic control barriers made of stainless steel can hold up to low- and high-speed vehicle impact if the correct size and installation methods are used, without experiencing wear from harsh weather and other factors. While not all traffic posts are designed to withstand high-speed crashes, they may still slow vehicles down to help avoid significant damage or injuries. Many facilities have them installed near doorways and other locations where people regularly travel on foot. Another way traffic control barriers protect buildings and people is through visual deterrence. Traffic bollards are often brightly colored in industry-standard safety yellow that stands out, along with reflective tape that alerts drivers to their presence. When traffic posts are highly visible, drivers are more likely to spot them and are reminded to drive with caution through certain areas. Depending on where they are situated, they can also notify drivers of restricted areas and redirect them to areas where vehicles are allowed. However, traffic posts are also typically designed to remain visually unobtrusive, keeping them from detracting from nearby architecture or scenery. The combination of physical and visual protection makes traffic posts some of the most effective safety and security measures available.

Choose from Different Types of Traffic Bollards for Various Applications

Depending on the application, there are different traffic control barriers available to install around facilities. Some offer more permanent physical protection, while others are intended for temporary vehicle access restriction. Choose from three main options in asset and pedestrian protection. The main types of traffic barriers available include fixed posts, removable posts, and collapsible posts. Combinations of all three traffic barrier types may be used in certain locations with varying security and safety requirements.

Use Fixed Traffic Posts for Heavy-Duty Protection Around the Clock

Fixed traffic bollards are utilized in locations that require permanent heavy-duty protection from vehicle traffic. Storefronts, schools, public parks, and other areas that regularly experience heavy pedestrian traffic often implement these secure posts. They are surface mounted or embedded depending on the type of surface. Typically an embedded bollard with an appropriate footing is the better solution. They provide 24-hour protection against ram-raiding and other types of vehicle impact. Another common application for fixed traffic bollards is protecting utilities of all kinds, including power supplies and telecommunications towers. They are also often used in warehouses to protect utilities within from damage caused by forklifts and other indoor vehicles.

Install Removable Traffic Barriers for Temporary Vehicle Access Control

Certain locations won't require the permanent protection that fixed posts provide, because of varying levels of vehicle access restriction. Locations such as streetscapes may only require traffic control during events such as parades and other outdoor events. Other locations such as warehouse doors may want to prevent unauthorized vehicle entry and potential ram-raiding incidents, but then allow authorized personnel inside. Removable bollard posts offer versatile protection, allowing users to easily install and remove them. When in place, they can potentially provide physical protection from low-speed vehicle impact. When no longer needed, users can simply remove the posts, store them nearby, and replace them with a ground sleeve and filler that helps lower the visibility of the installation point.

Implement Collapsible Traffic Posts for Both Temporary and Heavy-Duty Applications

In areas where frequent access is required as well as alternating vehicle access restriction, collapsible posts may be the best option for installation. Collapsible bollards give users the ability to raise and lower them at any time, simply locking them in place and unlocking them when lowering. When lowered, these posts provide enough clearance for most types of vehicles. Locations such as gate entrances, parking lots, marinas, and bike paths often benefit from having these posts installed.

Keep Your Facility Protected at All Times

Whether you have fixed, removable or collapsible traffic control barriers installed, each type of bollard may provide the protection your property needs. Pedestrians will benefit from additional safety, and property will stay protected from the potentially devastating damage of vehicle impact. When considering security measures for your property, traffic control barriers are as crucial to security as other devices such as cameras and perimeter fences. Some stainless steel traffic posts meet American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, as they can be tested for low- and high-speed vehicle impact resistance. Installing ASTM-approved traffic posts helps ensure that your property won't suffer from holes in security. Ultimately, traffic control barriers are a worthwhile investment that can significantly improve nearly any type of public property, providing top-quality physical asset protection and visual deterrence.