By trafficguard on Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Category: Building Impact Protection

Bollards and Barriers Off the Beaten Path

Thought bollards were just for stopping cars in high-traffic places? Think again. Bollards can be used for just more than the obvious reasons. Here are some other ways you can use bollards and barriers to your benefit.

1) Near gas and electric lines

Bollards can be used to protect not only certain areas of the road, but also valuable utility lines, like gas or electrical areas. This can prevent collisions with utility lines, which can cause significant financial losses and prevent people from accessing the utilities they need.  

2) Near playgrounds

One wouldn’t expect cars to drive in near playgrounds, but accidents do happen and it is possible. If you want to protect the children playing near your neighborhood playground, a traffic bollard can be a helpful safety measure.  

3) On bike trails

If you’ve ever used a bike trail, you may have run into an area that is either closed off to bikes or cars. Whichever the case, a traffic bollard could be crucial to keeping bicyclists and drivers safe. You can place a bollard or barrier—whether permanent or removable—around the trail in order to prevent cars from driving it, helping ensure the safety of any cyclists.  

4) Around fire hydrants

A vehicle collision with a fire hydrant can cause serious damage, along with wasting a significant amount of water. By placing bollards around a fire hydrant, you can prevent vehicle collisions without restricting access by fire fighters.  

5) Near construction areas

Even if no one is driving on the road, sometimes a traffic bollard may be required. When construction crews are working alongside traffic, sometimes a simple traffic cone is not enough protection. Sometimes people don’t even realize where road construction areas are, because the  roads do not have any blocking devices. By installing removable traffic bollards in a closed-off area or temporarily closed area, drivers and road construction workers can both be protected.