Bollard Applications
Bollards are used for a variety of applications, from keeping unwanted vehicles out of parking spaces with light duty bollards, to protecting high security access points to facilities such as Military Bases and Stadiums with heavy duty and visually intimidating bollards. There are a couple of things to consider when selecting a bollard for a particular project. One consideration is to determine what is expected of the use of bollard. If the bollard is intended to be a physical deterrent, then a larger bollard should probably be considered, if the bollard is intended to simply be a visual deterrent, then a smaller bollard may be preferable. Another consideration is how often the bollard or bollards will be used, or in other words, how often they will be collapsed or removed. If the bollard is intended to be removed or collapsed often, it may be wise to consider removable bollards as they provide a flush surface when removed. In this scenario a bollard with a flush surface will easily allow foot traffic as well as vehicle traffic to pass over without incident. If the intention is to leave them in place a majority of the time to be used only for maintenance and emergency vehicle access, collapsible bollards may be considered. The TrafficGuard Single Post was created for just this purpose as it contains a sheer pin that allows emergency vehicles to rest their bumper against the bollard and push it down with approximately 1,200 lbs. of static force.

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