By trafficguard on Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Category: Personal Protection

Unique Uses for Bollards

At TrafficGuard, we often see people use bollards to protect their buildings or roads from unauthorized traffic, but these barrier posts can have dual purposes. Security bollards can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Consult our list to see if you can use bollards for these less common applications.

Bike Parking

Many people now use bicycling as a primary form of transportation either for environmental consciousness or for decreased transportation costs. Once cyclists arrive at their destination, they will need a place to lock up their bikes to keep them secure. To accommodate their needs, you can install fixed bike posts outside your building, giving these bicyclists a post on which they can tie their locks. If you want to provide your customers with temporary bike parking, you can install a removable bike bollard, which will allow access when needed.


You can use bollards for much more than just functionality. People have used decorative bollards as mediums for art, painting them as abstract designs and even as people. While decorating your barrier posts may not be appropriate for every property, these artistically styled bollards can be a great security addition to beaches, school zones and many other locations. Painted bollards are not only a fun addition to a property, but they also increase the visual deterrence and likelihood that someone will notice the posts, ultimately decreasing vehicular accidents.


Landscaping beautifies your property. Some landscape styles can benefit from the addition of bollards, especially those security posts in sleek stainless steel. By placing these security bollards on your property, you can enhance the aesthetics of your land. You can also deter unwanted vehicular access with landscaping bollards as an added bonus, creating a cohesive, attractive safety model for your area.

Lane Notification

All roads must have yellow or white lines to indicate where the lanes are, but sometimes these painted-on lines fade or are not noticeable enough. Without proper warning of where lanes are, drivers could accidentally swerve into another lane, causing a catastrophic accident. By placing security bollards in the middle of streets and highways, drivers will recognize the clear distinction of the roadways. Barrier posts can be especially necessary during construction when particular lanes need to be blocked off or rerouted from traffic.